Family & Community Services

Outreach & Education | Senior Services | Language Access

Our Family & Community Services center around our community service desk. For many newcomers to the area, this desk is one of their first stops. Our multilingual staff assist new immigrants in getting settled in the area. We help clients to understand and access such systems as health insurance and healthcare, childcare, public school, and tax referral. This same population comes to us when times of hardship and crisis arise: we often help with applications for food stamps, low-income housing, and legal services and referral.



Our translation team is regularly out in the community providing translation to such partners as Quincy Public Schools and the Quincy Housing Authority.

Learn more about QARI’s translation and interpretation work with the City of Quincy Communication Access Project here.


Our outreach staff coordinate recreational and social programming for the immigrant community, such as Chinese painting, and Tai Chi.

Learn more about QARI’s Chinese Painting Classes.

Workshops & Training

We bring in experts in issues relevant to our community to speak on issues such as immigration rights, the naturalization process, health coverage for immigrants, financial literacy, employment, and domestic violence.

Asian Senior Services & Programs

 QARI provides a network of services and programs to the Asian seniors in Quincy and the South Shore. By providing social, physical, and emotional support to seniors, we can help them engage in activities that they find meaningful and enjoyable.

Quincy Housing Authority

QARI partners with the Quincy Housing Authority to provide customer support and interpretation services for its monthly commission meeting and senior events.

Tai Chi

QARI provides free tai chi class for Asian seniors seeking to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility through gentle aerobic exercise.

Greening the Gateway Cities

QARI partners with DCR and the City of Quincy to plant trees. This program reduces household heating and cooling energy use by increasing tree canopy cover in urban residential areas.

Fuel Assistance

QARI can help with renewal, application, and translation for QCAP fuel assistance programs. Click here to learn more.

Germantown Neighborhood Center

QARI partners with the South Shore YMCA to provide cultural and linguistic competent services for Asian families and seniors at their food pantry.


ACP offers internet essentials programs for low income members of the community. Click here to learn more.

QARI also provides a senior phone plan. Please call the following numbers to inquire about eligibility:

Lifeline 1-800-234-9473

Safelink 800-723-3546

Mental Health Asset

QARI offers mental health assets for the community.

Cash Benefit

The Department of Transitional Assistance offers benefits through EAEDC and TAFDC for low income families with children and those over 65 years old with little to no income. Click here to check for eligibility.

Apply for EAEDC

Apply for TAFDC

Survival English

Taught to elders in Cantonese and Mandarin, teachers give students practical English skills that can boost their quality of life in the US.

SNAP Application Assistance

To apply or recertify for SNAP benefits, or ask questions about eligibility, please call QARI at 617-472-2200 or email at

Chinese Painting

QARI has been providing Chinese painting class to those interested in learning about Asian art. Click here to learn more.

Health Screenings

QARI partnered with South Shore Health System Cancer Center to provide Asian seniors free skin cancer and oral/head/neck cancer screening services.

Field Trips

In partnership with Tufts Health Plan, local seniors are welcomed to come on free, engaging field trips to immerse themselves in Boston as well as keep active.