Environmental Initiatives

Clean Transportation Outreach & Education Program

Educating communities about the benefits of electric vehicles and clean transportation.
To educate communities about the benefits of electric vehicles, promoting cost savings and environmental sustainability.
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Interested in reducing bills and your carbon footprint? Consider an electric vehicle!

The QARI Drives Green program is launched through our partnership with Green Energy Consumers Alliance. This program focuses on educational programs and awareness campaigns around clean transportation.

Share your thoughts about electric cars! Take the survey.

Electric Cars
  • Save a lifetime average of $6,000* on fuel and maintenance.
  • Can cost less than similar gas cars due to a $7,500 federal tax credit and a $2,500 Massachusetts state rebate!
  • Are SAFER due to their lower center of gravity.
  • Can go more than 200 miles on a charge!
  • Charge at home in a regular outlet.
  • Are comfortable, fun and easy to drive, and accelerate faster.
  • Produce 78% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Program Highlights


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Program Schedule

Program Schedule

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Environmental Initiatives

Environmental Initiatives

Mass Save Community First Partnership

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Environmental Initiatives

Energy Saving Workforce Development

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